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Spun denier polypropylene filament materials, oil

[Process share] spun denier polypropylene filament of raw materials, oil requirements

Polypropylene has a warm, breathable, lightweight, inexpensive, easy to get rich in raw materials and so on. Applications in civil, industrial, clothing and other fields continue to broaden. Denier Polypropylene has a better performance on the basis of polypropylene fibers. The development value-added products improve the polypropylene, expanded polypropylene filament range of applications. Therefore, the fine denier filaments spun polypropylene have more attention.

Fine denier polypropylene long silk spinning system for raw materials, oil requirements:

Requirements for raw materials
>>>> Spinning fine denier polypropylene filament, requires raw materials (resins) have a higher melt index (MI), a low molecular weight and narrow molecular weight distribution, because MI value will help improve high melt draw down ratio.

>>>> Polypropylene resin molecular weight and its distribution is an extremely important indicator spinnability, polypropylene rheological properties, processability and aggregation structure of polypropylene have a significant impact. The higher molecular weight resin, the wider the molecular weight distribution, melt spinnability decreases. This is because the molecular weight is too high, causing the chain wrapped around the thread knot serious, melt viscoelasticity is increased, the more unstable the spinning process, the more increase the unevenness of the finished fiber; low molecular weight, narrow molecular weight distribution, the molecular chain is easy sports, shear viscosity and extensional viscosity of the melt is low, easy to generate low orientation of quasicrystalline structure.

>>>> Thus, spinning fine denier filaments, a strong promoter to a lower amount (about 160,000), narrower molecular weight distribution (Q <6), a higher melt index (20 to 100) polypropylene resin.

Requirements for oil
>>>> Oil to have good chemical stability, heat does not decompose in the drafting process, no corrosion, nor to swell too much, a good antistatic properties, smoothness, cohesion and low Surface Tension.

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