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[Topic] Chinese garment industry needs a culture of innovation, improve the industry's international image!

I believe that many consumers, a glance at the store's products, will subconsciously said:. "This is a Korean" Why not look at the brand logo, and even filter out brand their own style, but also a country they see belongs?

Realistic light will always shine pale theory, Japan and South Korea have successfully undertake the transfer of industry to break the dilemma theory, into the next fashion spotlight.


This is the trend

I believe that many consumers, a glance at the store's products, will subconsciously say so.
Similarly, we see a lot of stores, intuition will tell us that this is a Japanese brand.
Why not look at the brand logo, and even filter out brand their own style, they'll see a country belong? This is because these products are flowing with the blood of their own national culture, with distinct regional characteristics of cultural self birthmark.
As we glance came across, and is as simple as Japanese or Korean.


This is a case of culture, but also the culture of victory. It has long been theorized that the right to speak fashion fashion industry firmly grasp the hands of people in Europe.

Realistic light will always shine pale theory, Japan and South Korea have successfully undertake the transfer of industry to break the dilemma theory, into the next fashion spotlight.


Thirty years ago, we took over the industrial transfer of the baton and began to shift out some capacity, on Japan and South Korea as the eighties century.
Today, we are faced with Reflection Period: we settle down fulcrum Where?
Clearly, the industry is nothing more than two levels, one is to break the existing world fashion pattern; the second is to make its own characteristics, which often is the premise of the former.


How that make their own characteristics?


The ultimate answer is: industrial civilization
Find this

A reality, and perhaps make us feel a touch of nostalgia. A small, insect, silk spit gave us this country supreme glory. It is through the desert, through the frontier, is a foreign country by pet recovery, this road later called the Silk Road.
This represents one of the commanding heights of the Chinese fashion, as in Europe and America, people today can not be ignored. Chinese silk culture and long history, after the frost history, we seem to start a human wedding dress.
Conversely, those who rely on Europe to import our silk, but in this day and age, playing the world famous brand silk. Another example is the history of China has been an agricultural country, advocates Imitation of Nature, and Nature has close manual process, has close cultural tradition and nature.


However, we still do not make good use of the unique qualities today that China, the world trend to build rich pastoral brand. This is representative of the modern way of life, but also an integral part of Chinese culture. Over the years, however, these civilizations are ignored, so the paper was sealed in ordinances, even scattered in the historical moment.

History shining future. We want those who are lost and neglected, they lost, but still flowing in our blood, civilization and heritage, which we have regret, but also our present incumbent of play.

We need to return to the historical, cultural back, back to the beginning, to review and refine the Chinese culture, keep its essence and connotation of industry into the Chinese industry, strengthening cultural construction industry, build cultural soft power, to provide a fundamental motivation for the fashion industry .

Industrial culture must become
This creates

Cut from the Chinese culture, we are in line with their hearts, their hands in accord with the basic tools.
Essentially, culture is the psychological mechanism of operation, is thinking patterns and norms are rules and ways of doing things. "Dawson one, one two, two three, three things," said is the truth.
As long as we seize this "Road", things unfold in front of you: a study began, and the achievements of the world. Li first made after the creation.
The "truth" is the culture of spirit and will then extend to extract the philosophy of life, combined with the new features of the times, give full play to the imagination, to create life, and finally even the modern international fashion language to express the value of the product.


Thus, the design and development is vast, and there are standards by. Five thousand years can be selected, the nations can adopt essence, this open design inspiration. At the same time, all attributed to the product concept, design material selected to provide the identification of the feet.

And in the idea of ​​a guide, the expression of Chinese culture is not necessarily the dragon totem or ink painting.

We need is a totem spirit behind the country, the mood Thinking behind ink, and thus open our Innovation Tour: From the beginning of our natural advantages of thinking, rather than self-sacrifice long pole seek others, blind grafting, wits , the product has become Ningba messy, lack of vigor and vitality.

Cultural achievements of the product, the product will naturally further achievements of the brand.

By brand operations, values ​​will be more vivid, focused, the operating system will be more complete, the brand will become a rich personal commitment: to values ​​as the core, to strengthen internal management, supply chain and market chain to build the core of the economic community ecology.
At this point, we can see that nature is a good brand in the store, services, products, marketing all links are committed, do certain things, in order to have a consistent expression of temperament, there is the spirit of the same strain of the show. Wherein the binder is a natural culture.


Culture reinforce the brand power, highlighting the brand personality, thus becoming the brand's genes.

Thus, the experience of the brand genes, the brand culture will be more mature, even more full, more open, even more creative. Culture is made out, not shout out. It has to deepen the path of "Product - Culture - brand" closed loop development, but also has a self-development law. When a large number of Chinese brand culture to grow up, industrial and cultural wonders will appear.

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