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Sanshui textile enterprises to build the whole industry chain knocked on the "high - end market door

"This year's sales revenue is expected to be able to achieve 100% growth." Foshan City, Ming Chau Group Co., Ltd. Chairman Liu Qinghai in the company's performance is full of confidence. Into the July is the printing and dyeing industry in the off-season, Ming Chau in previous years, only three or four hundred tons of cloth, and this year to maintain the monthly production of thousands of tons of cloth level. The industry chain is becoming more perfect, so that the state won more than competitors won the Decathlon priority procurement supplier qualification, driven by significant growth in performance.

Industry overcapacity, environmental pressures continue to rise, rising production costs ... ... the domestic textile industry in the market pressure is forced to accelerate the transformation and upgrading, Sanshui textile enterprises have "thoroughly" the supply side of the nature of structural reform, the industrial chain is from a single Link to the weaving, printing and dyeing, after the whole, clothing and other industrial chain upstream and downstream extension, relying on the industrial chain strategy to successfully open the high-end textile market, stand in the textile industry to upgrade the top of the transition.

Off-season is not short

Annual performance doubled is expected to achieve

One into the hot noisy in July, many textile companies will usher in the annual production of off-season, orders and production tasks plummeted, it seems to be for the production workers and machines to reduce the "cooling." But is located in Sanshui Datang Industrial Park, said the Group's production workshop, and did not meet the same as in previous years, the arrival of off-season, on the contrary, the production workers, production machines are still full load operation, to maintain the monthly dyeing of 800 tons to 1,000 tons High yield momentum.

"In previous years, seven months are off-season, only 300 tons per month to 400 tons of cloth are normal." Liu Qinghai said. In fact, the main knitted fabric production and marketing prosperity is not the two months of this matter, the first half of this year, Mingzhou has completed last year's sales, Liu Qinghai annual sales revenue growth of 100% The "This is the development of more than 10 years since the development of a new peak."

Coincidentally, from the continent of the straight line distance of less than 1 km, the main denim of Foshan City Fortress Textile Co., Ltd. also showed production and marketing "off-season is not light" situation. "Estimated sales in the first half of this year has exceeded 900 million yuan, an increase of 20% last year." Fengze Textile General Manager Li Shenglin said. Fengze textile ushered in not only the performance harvest year, as well as capital increase year, the company plans to win, in the next year on the new line of woven dyeing cloth business.

Mingzhou and Fortress and Sanshui most of the simple printing and dyeing enterprises are not the same, they have weaving, printing and dyeing, after the whole, clothing and other relatively perfect industrial chain. This year's industry chain, last year to help Mingzhou defeated more than competitors to obtain the top priority supplier of Decathlon qualification, this year to help Fortress won the famous Spanish clothing brand ZARA 1 million yards denim fabric production orders, to drive the two companies welcome To the main thrust of a new burst of performance.

Sanshui Datang Town is a textile printing and dyeing professional park, is currently the most concentrated printing and dyeing areas in Guangdong, which led Sanshui the textile industry to maintain a good momentum of growth. Datang General Chamber of Commerce Secretary-General Liu Jinwei recently analyzed the development of Sanshui textile industry, noted that more than 80 large textile printing and dyeing enterprises, the rapid growth of performance this year, many enterprises are relatively rich chain of industry chain, Ze, the exchange, precision, etc. are within the group has formed spinning, weaving, printing and dyeing, after the whole, clothing and other links among the multiple links.

One-stop production

A high degree of autonomy to grasp the market right to speak

China Cotton Textile Industry Association released in April the domestic textile market in-depth research report shows that this year's home textiles, clothing orders to the industry chain more comprehensive advantages of enterprises concentrated in the industry generally reflect the lack of orders, the industrial chain more complete business The number of orders is increasing. It is not difficult to find, such as the name of the Island, Fortress, the exchange, the accuracy of Sanshui textile enterprises to explore the industrial chain has been in the market competition has shown a strong competitive edge.

In the national textile industry is still in the background of market depth adjustment, the implementation of industrial chain strategy for textile enterprises is what is the meaning? Industry chain to the upstream and downstream extension is how to improve the competitiveness of enterprises?

Sanshui textile enterprises in the beginning of the vast majority of enterprises is a single link, or spinning, or weaving, or printing and dyeing, or clothing, which accounted for up to seven percent of printing and dyeing enterprises. The single part of the production model, means that the upstream and downstream business partners rely on a high degree of product quality, delivery cycle, technology research and development are not their own controllable factors, but these drawbacks in the domestic textile industry price competition era is not revealed.

"Enterprises to open the high-end market, with domestic and international high-end brands, must have strong technology, quality and stability of the product." Li Shenglin said. In the past six or seven years, the domestic textile industry experienced low-end product overcapacity, extensive enterprises in the market shuffle was eliminated after a series of changes, such as Fortress and other keen sense of business, really aware of the textile industry's next outlet Will be in the high-end market.

But Sanshui textile enterprises in the original single part of the production model, in the high-end market development does not have enough competitiveness, the original only part of the textile sector in this deep experience. Liu Qinghai said that the downstream printing and dyeing enterprises face a large number of customers, can not be targeted to a company needs a lot of energy investment, financial research and development, and research and development level is limited. As a result, Mingzhou put the printing and dyeing, after the whole industry chain link in the bag.

"We have a product in the whole process of R & D, spent 30 tons of cloth to test, only to make a 20 kg of cloth to give customers, customers are very satisfied." Liu Qinghai said that this wayward research and development, If in the past to rely on downstream suppliers to complete, is simply impossible things. Not only the level of R & D greatly improved, even the delivery cycle from the past two or three months, stable to a month or so, is the enriched after the industry chain intuitive change.

The general trend

Industry chain constantly enrich and perfect

From a single production link to the textile industry upstream and downstream industry chain extension, Sanshui textile enterprises in the whole industry chain exploration has tasted the sweetness. But it is noteworthy that the implementation of the industrial chain strategy is not an overnight process, but also the courage to transform the courage and the ability to support business transformation, chain expansion of the development basis.

Fortress to the road of industrial chain transformation has been more than 3 years, successfully from the weaving industry chain extends to the pulp dyeing, after the whole, driven enterprises from 2015 to less than 3 million yuan, increased to 2016 tax has been about 8 million yuan. "There is a lot of investment in the management, equipment, manpower, technology research and development and other aspects of the overall cost of investment, more than the investment in outsourcing processing more Large, but in exchange for the core technology to improve product quality and delivery time is more stable, which is invisible value added.

Domestic textile industry often said that the "excess capacity" is the nature of low-end product supply is far greater than the market demand, so the industry's supply side of the structural reform will focus on product structure optimization, expand the supply of high-end products to enhance the core of textile enterprises Technology and independent brands and other added value, the textile industry in a new market is still showing a strong vitality. Sanshui in creating a number of traditional manufacturing transformation and upgrading of the benchmark, will also promote the development of the whole industry chain as one of the key.

"Sanshui textile industry chain industry increasingly rich, but did not appear from the spinning to the true meaning of the whole industry chain enterprises." Liu Jinwei said, look at the domestic textile industry development situation, the enterprise industry chain constantly enrich and improve Will be the trend, Sanshui textile enterprises in this area is still a great article for.

It is understood that the construction of the South China Textile Printing and Dyeing Center of the large town this year to weaving, printing and dyeing, sales and R & D design industry chain as the basis for the development of enterprises on the one hand to actively promote the development of the upstream and downstream industry chain to encourage enterprises and domestic and foreign high-end Brand docking cooperation, enhance the core competitiveness of the textile industry. On the other hand, Datang Town will rely on the introduction of investment chain high value-added links, to promote the construction of cloth sales center for enterprise development to provide a more complete industrial chain support.

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