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Recently, textile and dyeing factory has many fire season high season to be vigilant

"Big summer", the hottest time of the year came, cooking mode also opened. Shaoxing recently the highest temperature is 40 degrees, local have more than 40 degrees mark, dry days dry, careful fire candle.

In recent days, textile printing and dyeing factory has many fire!

July 23 afternoon: Shaoxing Binhai a printing and dyeing factory fire

Keqiao District Fire Brigade:

20:17 on July 23, 15:56, Keqiao brigade command center received an alarm, said located in Keqiao District Binhai Xing Bin Road South Eagle dyeing factory plant fire. Brigade immediately deployed the coastal squadron 3 fire engines, fire officers and soldiers 15 people to deal with, 16:12, the fire was under control, 16:27, the fire completely extinguished. Fortunately, the fire did not cause casualties, the cause of the fire is under further investigation.

July 24 afternoon: Jimo Tianshan all the way to a printing and dyeing factory fire

July 24, around 1 pm, Jimo Tianshan all the way in a printing and dyeing factory fire, received the alarm, the firefighters quickly arrived at the scene, to rescue, fire plant smoke billowing, as the cause of the fire is under investigation.

July 23 afternoon: Jiaxing Haining Xu village a private textile mill fire

July 23 afternoon, near the village in the village of Xu Village, a private textile mill fire, fire destroyed the plant textiles and machinery, the roof also collapsed. At present, the loss of fire and the reasons are being further approved investigation.

Summer high temperature drying, coupled with textile printing and dyeing enterprises flammable, more than the circuit, easily lead to fire, so the textile people must do a good job of fire safety work, to avoid causing tragedy and unnecessary losses.

"Textile enterprises fire causes and response measures"

hope that it can help us

A textile enterprises fire causes

According to statistics, textile enterprises fire for different reasons, including:

Open fire

Common use of welding, gas welding, torch, electric furnace, such as the use of improper fire, improper smoking and other fire, this year to increase the proportion of improper welding.

2. Electrical short circuit fire

Cotton mill electrical equipment and more long lines prone to short-circuit ignition, especially wire and equipment for a long time, aging is more likely to occur.

3. Machine rolling brake, mechanical friction fire

Machine rolling, winding, bearing the lack of oil caused by continuous friction.

4. Mechanical parts to combat the fire caused by fire

Such as thugs hit metal objects and stones caused by Mars caused by the frequency is also higher.

5. Lightning fire

Thunder, if no lightning protection device or poor grounding caused by fire also occur from time to time.

6. Poor electrical contact to form a fire on fire

Common car with automatic small machine doffer orbital moving electrode contact bad, the formation of Mars to fly and the formation of fire and so on.

7. Static fire

Fiber, dust in the air caused by the accumulation of high-voltage static electricity will produce fire. Often occurs in the dust concentration of the workshop, the dust chamber and the use of high-impedance materials such as hemp, synthetic fiber, workshop humidity is too low, it is learned that Harbin Linen plant had several static fire.

Fire prevention and control

Textile enterprises to do the following fire prevention work:

1. Plant construction and machine arrangement

Cotton mill plant, warehouse and important places can not use brick and wood structure and temporary simple housing, recommended the use of roof fire spray device.

Workshop and equipment between the need to separate the machine, the need to use fire-resistant materials, can not use wood and general synthetic materials or plastic. Workshop layout should have more than two meet the requirements of the main channel and the entrance, the building should have more than two elevators and set fire safety channel, the machine next to not push the debris, to ensure that the flow of people, logistics and security.

2. Implement firefighting measures

Large and medium-sized factories can organize business or quasi-full-time fire brigade, after education and training posts, and do 24 hours on duty, configure the vehicle and the necessary fire faucet, water guns, fire extinguishers and other fire equipment to ensure smooth fire source.

3. Establish a rapid fire alarm mechanism

The workshop should be set up special alarm and alarm call, configure the main communication equipment, so that the timely detection of fire, the rapid elimination of fire, the workshop team should set up part-time security officer, timely alarm.

4. Workshop and important departments should be equipped with fire fighting equipment

Production workshop, warehouse, vital departments such as leather roller, laboratory, cotton room, air conditioning room, power distribution room, cold room, storage room, back to the flowers, etc. should be equipped with suitable fire fighting equipment, such as fire extinguishers, Yellow sand barrels and so on.

5. Strict control of the workshop fire use

Workshop is strictly prohibited smoking, shall not be brought into the fire, the use of open flames, such as welding, must be approved by the relevant departments and a special supervision and management.

6. Common fire extinguishers

(1) carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to high-pressure cylinders in the CO2 gas to do fire extinguishing agent, no trace after the fire, should be used for expensive equipment, equipment, archives, computer and low-voltage electrical appliances and oil fire. Note that the fingers should not touch the trumpet to prevent frostbite.

(2) foam fire extinguisher

Suitable for fighting oil, banana water and other combustible fire, can not save water-soluble combustible, flammable liquid fire, can not save the power of electrical equipment to cut off the fire.

(3) carbon tetraoxide fire extinguisher

Suitable for fighting below ten thousand volts of electrical fire, a small range of gasoline fire, avoid fighting metal potassium, sodium and magnesium and other chemicals.

(4) dry powder fire extinguisher

Suitable for fighting oil combustible gases, electrical equipment and water burning fire.

(5) 1211 fire extinguisher

It is a highly efficient fire extinguisher, when the fire does not pollute the goods, leaving no trace. Especially for close equipment, equipment, cultural relics file fire, but also for oil fire.

(6) water fire extinguisher

Its main role is to spray water, can only save the general solid such as bamboo, textiles, etc., can not save the liquid and electrical fire.

7. Establish dangerous goods warehouse, strengthen management

Factory alcohol, gasoline, lubricants, banana water, all kinds of glue and other flammable, explosive chemicals should be stored in the dangerous goods warehouse, and a person responsible for the management.

8. Open the cotton production line configuration fire safety device

Open cotton production line is the most prone to fire equipment in the cotton mill should be installed to install the bridge suction device, heavy objects (foreign body) separator. Mars detectors (such as infrared sensors, etc.) fire protection device.

9. Develop fire handling procedures to prevent the spread of fire

(1) the general occurrence of fire must first cut off the power to the surrounding flammable materials removed.

(2) fire after the fire must be checked after the fire, to prevent resurgence.

(3) fire spinning frame, such as the fire is large, should pull off the roving open empty, if necessary, to move the roving, and remove the fire near the debris and flammable items, the rear of the fire, can not open the suction box , So as not to smoke inhalation of the total straw.

(4) If the flames have been introduced into the suction of the total air duct burning, it should immediately shut down, drill into the duct fire.

(5) small area of ​​fire, available yellow sand barrel or soaking sandbags fire

(6) fine spindles into the drum joints, winding drum or roller, you must immediately turn off the lights to prevent friction from the fire.

(7) Do not use water or foam fire extinguishers to protect electrical equipment from fire.

10. Do the workplace and machine cleaning work

Reduce the flow of flowers to do the workshop, the machine and the surrounding environment clean and tidy work, less flying and oil Ting, anti-dust accumulation, reduce the expansion of fire.

11. Do the routine maintenance work of the equipment

Do the daily maintenance work of the machine, the textile spindle, the bearing of the oil, rolling and heating, reducing the fiber, yarn winding. Electrical equipment should be periodic inspection, to prevent the use of excessive heat aging and overload operation, the use of normal current protector.

Compiled language

The State Council Security Committee recently issued a notice, requiring July to October in the country to carry out safety inspection, shut down a number of illegal and non-compliance with the conditions of safe production of enterprises, joint disciplinary group of serious business, Exposure of a number of responsibilities do not implement, measures ineffective units and individuals.

Summer approaching, the temperature rise, is the textile printing and dyeing enterprises fire season. 2 days, three textile printing and dyeing enterprises fire. Although there is no casualties, major property losses, but enough to make all the peers attention!

Safe production, alarm bells!

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