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Jiangsu Province, the first printing and dyeing industry, a new version of the sewage out!

On the morning of November 30, a limited liability company of Nantong was issued a new version of the sewage discharge permit with a unified national code. This was also the first unit in Jiangsu's printing and dyeing industry to obtain a new sewage permit, which marked the reform of the sewage allowance management system in Jiangsu Province Substantial steps.

In the past, the permit for sewage discharge was issued by various localities, with the content of permit, permit requirement and non-uniform permit standard. The new permit for sewage disposal must be submitted by enterprises, reviewed by the provincial and municipal environmental protection authorities and reviewed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. , Total control, sewage charges, environmental statistics, environmental standards and other management systems, fundamentally changed the "count the number of" "long management" situation.

In this new version of the sewage permit, not only printed with the certificate number, business address and other basic information, the lower right corner of the certificate also has a two-dimensional code, the future ordinary citizens can scan the two-dimensional code, enter the relevant national network platform to view the Business location map, permit emissions concentration, permit emissions, self-monitoring requirements and other information.

According to the deployment, before the end of this year, Jiangsu Province will complete the pesticide, electroplating, pharmaceutical and other industries and enterprises in the discharge of permits issued in accordance with the permit to carry out environmental supervision and law enforcement.

From January 1, 2018 onwards, the above-mentioned industries and enterprises must hold the certificate of sewage discharge and set up self-monitoring, information disclosure, recording of accounts and periodic reporting system as required.

2020 will cover all the city's fixed sources of pollution.

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