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Jiangsu and Zhejiang Textile "the most stringent" Limitation limited hit!

December 7 from the Ministry of Environmental Protection authoritative source was informed that the Ministry of Environmental Protection on December 4 to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas "2 +26" cities issued "on the please do a comprehensive management of scattered coal to ensure that the masses warm the winter work Letter "urgent document, put forward to adhere to the protection of the masses warm winter as the first principle," into the heating season, where belong to (coal to gas, coal conversion project) is not completed projects or places, continue to use the past, coal heating or Other alternatives. "

"2 + 26" city refers to Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei air pollution transmission channel, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Baoding, Langfang, Cangzhou, Hengshui, Handan, Xingtai, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, Yangquan, Changzhi, Jincheng, Shandong Province, Jinan, Zibo, Liaocheng, Texas, Binzhou, Jining, Heze, Henan Province, Zhengzhou, Xinxiang, Hebi, Anyang, Jiaozuo, Puyang and Kaifeng.

According to incomplete statistics, at present, all the "2 + 26" transmission channel cities have carried out various degrees of coal-gas substitution operations. In addition, other prefecture-level cities that are not located in the cities of "2 + 26" in Shanxi, Hebei and Henan provinces are also implementing coal-to-gas operations. Many cities also classified some areas of the city as "no-go zones." The above "Action Plan" proposes to comprehensively step up the management of scattered coal in urban villages, urban-rural areas and rural areas. Beijing, Tianjin, Langfang and Baoding will complete the task of building "no-coal zones" by the end of October and further expand their implementation scope to achieve winter Clean and warm. Other cities in the transmission channel will have 50,000 to 100,000 households using gas or substituting coal for electricity by the end of October according to the principle that gas should be gas, electricity should be electricity and electricity. Before the end of October, the basic coal-fired boilers of 10 steam tons and below, as well as large stoves and small commercial stoves, were basically eliminated in the administrative regions of Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Langfang, Baoding, Jinan and Zhengzhou. Other cities built-up areas and counties to eliminate 10 steam tons and below coal-fired boilers. Coal-fired furnace to speed up the furnace, gas stove to improve the progress.

Ministry of Environmental Protection said that in the heating season, all projects and areas that are not yet completed continue to use the previous coal-fired heating or other alternatives; have completed projects and localities, we must ensure that the gas supply, stable supply of power and price stability in the In the case of problems and contradictions, the use of gas and electricity in industrial fields must give way to civilians. Ministry of Environmental Protection will ensure that people in winter enough heat in a timely manner as an integrated management of air pollution tackling major actions to strengthen supervision and inspection focus. If found to be omission, chaos as a condition, will be strictly responsible for the accountability.
Goal: By 2018, focus on the promotion of VOCs pollution control in petrochemical, chemical, industrial coating, packaging and printing industries, petrochemicals, chemical plants for continuous sealed production and other applicable industries to promote leak detection and repair (LDAR) Xiaoshan District and other 20 key areas to carry out VOCs deepening governance and emission reduction, according to the law to complete the "scattered pollution" enterprises to clean up rectification, the province's key projects of VOCs emission reduction of 120000 tons and above. By 2020, establish and improve a long-term VOCs pollution prevention and management system, the province's total VOCs emissions dropped more than 20% in 2015, key projects to reduce VOCs 255,000 tons and above, continue to improve the quality of ambient air in our province.

In terms of measures, it will make good preparations for the adjustment of industrial organizations, promote the comprehensive management of "scattered pollution" enterprises and strictly admit environmental protection projects. We will focus on the prevention and control of VOCs in 10 key industries and implement the "one plant, one policy, one file" system for enterprises in 20 key regions for management. We will step up emission reduction efforts in areas such as traffic sources, living sources and agricultural sources.

Specific emission reduction as follows:

Chemical Industry: To carry out VOCs treatment in chemical industry such as pesticide, pharmaceutical, paint / ink / adhesive manufacturing, dye manufacturing, special chemical product manufacturing and daily chemical product manufacturing. Strengthen refined management and implement the permit system for pollution discharge. Through comprehensive measures such as source prevention, process control and end-of-pipe treatment, the industry will be upgraded and upgraded to meet the discharge standards. By 2020, chemical industry emissions of VOCs will be reduced by more than 30% from 2015 levels. Promote low (no) VOCs content, low reactivity of raw and auxiliary materials and products.

Chemical Fiber Industry: Focus on promoting VOCs emission control of cellulose fiber raw materials and fiber manufacturing, synthetic fiber manufacturing and other industries, of which chemical unit organic monomer synthesis, polymerization and other units should refer to the petrochemical industry requirements VOCs pollution prevention and control work. By 2020, emissions of VOCs in the chemical fiber industry will be reduced by more than 30% from 2015.

Textile printing and dyeing industry: focus on promoting cotton textile and printing and dyeing finishing, wool textile and dyeing and finishing, hemp and textile finishing and finishing, silk spinning and dyeing and finishing, chemical fiber weaving and printing and finishing industries such as printing (steaming, Electrostatic flocking, digital printing, transfer printing, etc.), finishing (stereotypes, coating) VOCs emission control. By 2020, VOCs emissions from the textile printing and dyeing industry will be reduced by more than 30% from 2015.

Jiangsu launched the most stringent air pollution prevention and control inspection, 13 inspection teams rushed to enterprises and construction sites for supervision

I am the Nanjing Environmental Protection Agency, according to today's heavily polluted azure warning, the city has launched the "Nanjing winter air quality and environmental protection control Program "two prevention and control measures." December 3 afternoon, Nanjing Environmental Protection Bureau to report to the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Environmental Protection that the city started the blue alert after the emergency management and control.

At the same time, Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Department held an emergency meeting to fully launch the winter blue sky to defend the war in the spot supervision. This reporter learned that, December 3, the province's 13 cities were all polluted to varying degrees, of which the Xuzhou AQI index was close to 300, Yancheng, Huaian and other places also showed moderate pollution. Environmental Protection Agency inspectors went to 13 cities today enterprises, construction sites for supervision.

Defend the blue sky: before the end of the 13 cities in the province to upgrade station supervision

Into the last month of the year, but also the situation is relatively harsh air pollution control in winter, in order to improve regional ambient air quality, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Environmental Protection from December 4 onwards, divided into 13 inspectors to go to various districts and cities to carry out the winter of 2017 Battle of the Blue Sky in the supervision and action. The supervision of the time will continue until the end of this year. From the previous special inspections upgraded to the resident supervision, listening to the report from the past to check the audit to strengthen supervision of the scene, reflecting the Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Department for this winter's air pollution control efforts and determination.

This reporter has learned that the contents of the inspection mainly include coal quality control, air pollution control in key industries, pollution control of volatile organic compounds in oil and gas, dust pollution control in construction, control and control of all kinds of dust sources, environmental remediation in key areas, road cleaning and heavy pollution Weather emergency and so on. For the contents of the inspection, Jiangsu Province requires all districts and municipalities to implement the control measures in accordance with the law. For enterprises listed in the annual work plans and programs of atmospheric governance, and still not completed the tasks of governance, they will all suspend the production for rectification. Strengthen the supervision of the construction site, wharf and yard, stop the dust control measures in place and stop work and rectify them completely; strictly control the demolition, blasting and crushing of the buildings prone to dust generation; and strengthen the supervision and control over open burning, barbecue and fireworks discharge.

For the implementation of the responsibility is not in place, the implementation of measures ineffective city will seriously investigate the responsibility. In the event of failing to complete the annual assessment targets, in addition to suspending the approval of environmental impact assessment documents for all newly-added atmospheric pollutant discharge construction projects in the region (except Minsheng Project and energy-saving emission reduction projects) and canceling the honorary title of provincial environmental protection, Responsibility, if necessary, by the provincial government leaders talk about the main responsible for the municipal government.

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