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2017 Chemical fiber industry: careful layout of the strong expansion

If you use one word to summarize the hot spots in chemical fiber industry this year, then none other than "layout". No matter in which sub-sectors, the leading companies are well-targeted in accordance with the established layout, and continuously improve the competitiveness in the segment and profitability. Driven by these enterprises, the economic operation trend of the entire chemical fiber industry continued to maintain a good momentum and became the fastest growing industry in the textile sub-industry.


Annual hot words: Quotes to the good

The industry performance is obviously better than last year

In 2017, China's macroeconomy continued to improve and the market expected good. The world economy is also undergoing the most extensive and synchronized recovery in 10 years, providing positive support to the steady growth of demand in the industry. The overall quality of the chemical fiber industry in operation throughout the year was significantly better than last year.

According to China Chemical Fiber Industry Association released the first three quarters of the economic trends show: 1 ~ September, chemical fiber industry continues to maintain a good momentum of operation. As the textile market picks up, the demand side of the chemical fiber industry has obviously improved. The overall operating rate of the industry has risen over the same period of last year. The chemical fiber market is not off-season. In the third quarter, the performance of chemical fiber market pushed up the cost, low inventories, strong demand and good market sentiment. Improve the quality of industry operations, profitability increased.

According to the statistics of National Bureau of Statistics, from January to September, the output of chemical fiber in China was 38,608,000 tons, of which, the output of polyester was 30,825,200 tons, an increase of 5.23% from the same period of last year; the output of nylon was 2,613,100 tons, up 11.6% from the same period of last year; the output of man-made fiber was 336.29% With a year-on-year increase of 4.28% and an increase of 5.7% over the same period of the previous year. The growth rate of total output was down by 0.53% over the same period of last year. This shows that the structural adjustment of the chemical fiber industry has achieved certain results in total control; , Reflecting the market is better, the industry operating rate has increased.

In addition, the operating rate of chemical fiber industry as a whole was higher than that of the same period of last year. In particular, the average load of polyester filament yarn industry maintained at a relatively high level of about 85% with lower inventory and better production and marketing. The load of direct spinning and slicing spinning enterprises increased significantly compared with the same period of last year, and the direct spinning load reached a high of 90% or more. The traditional weak season weakening characteristics, still maintain a high load in the traditional off-season, showing off the market is not short off the market.

In a good market environment, many chemical fiber business performance is also very bright. According to the three quarterly reports released by listed companies show that during the period, many companies have double revenue growth and profits, and profit growth greater.

Among them, Tongkun shares operating income of 23.304 billion yuan, an increase of 31.63%, net profit of 1.147 billion yuan, an increase of 104.98%. During the period, the prices of the Company's products went up while the prices of POY, FDY and DTY increased by 21.91%, 22.73% and 20.46% respectively over the same period of last year. Net profit growth was significantly faster than revenue growth mainly due to the company's gross margin increased during the period, the company gross profit margin was 9.75%, an increase of 2.15 percentage points, of which the third quarter gross profit margin was 11.39%, an increase of 3.56 A percentage point.

Hengyi Petrochemical achieved operating income of 47.09 billion yuan, an increase of 112.74%, net profit of 13.51 yuan, an increase of 168.7%. During the period, the profitability of both PTA and polyester business both increased substantially. Among them, PTA spread expanded to 508 yuan / ton, an increase of more than 20%; polyester filament POY spread expanded to 1424 yuan / ton, an increase of 30.6%.

Jilin Chemical Fiber also achieved good results under elaborate layout. During the period, the company achieved operating income of 1.606 billion yuan, an increase of 58.43%, net profit of 83 million yuan, an increase of 271.06%

The first phase of Qidong Project, a subsidiary, has been completed and put into operation. The operating rate has been gradually raised, which has led to the performance improvement of Huafeng Spandex Microfiber Business. During the period, the company achieved operating income of 3.034 billion yuan, an increase of 54.99%; net profit of 281 million yuan, an increase of 177.6335%.

Analysis of hot words: During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, with the recovery and development of the world economy, the demand for the international textile and apparel market continued to grow. The chemical fiber industry, as a raw material industry for textile and apparel, also continued to grow and became The fastest growing textile industry, the industry, both in output, operating rate or to inventory, have maintained a good situation. Of course, in addition to the international environment, good market access and the efforts of various chemical fiber enterprises are inseparable. In 2017, most of the enterprises are ripping their feet and upgrading their competitiveness in the industry through various means. While achieving better results, they have also promoted the steady development of the entire industry to a certain extent The overall competitive advantage of China's chemical fiber industry.


Annual hot words: brand strategy

Inspired to promote marketing thinking

How to establish a good brand in the industry? As China's chemical fiber industry development direction of the "China Fiber Trends released" the most say.

March 15, organized by the Ministry of Industry and Consumer Goods Industry, China Chemical Fiber Industry Association, Donghua University, National Textile and Chemical Products Development Center co-sponsored by Jiangsu Sheng Hong Science and Technology Co., Ltd. "Sheng Hong China Fiber Trends 2017/2018 Annual Conference "in the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) held.

At the same time, the conference promulgated the core concept of "origin and vitality" while closely following the principle of "fiber changing life". Focusing on "Origin and Vitality", the conference was divided into two chapters: "Fictions and Love Affinities" and "Fibrous and Green Pioneers", and released the "Shenghong China Fiber Trends 2017/2018" 20 species, 31 species of finalists.

In the chapter of "Fetal Love and Shu Xin Affinity", the 10 selected varieties of fiber were released, namely: extinction high-elasticity polyester fiber, fluffy elastic PBT fiber, Eisenbauser for Eisai materials, graphene (biomass) Fiber, graphene (natural) polyamide 6 fiber, copper based polyacrylonitrile-based conductive fiber, photochromic regenerated cellulose fiber, low-titer polyamide 6 fiber, milk protein-modified polyacrylonitrile fiber, and acetonitrilonitrile conjugate fiber.

In the "Fiberglass Green Pioneer" chapter, the selected 10 major fiber varieties were released, namely: bio-based elastic composite polyester fiber, bio-based polyamide 56 fiber, the new solvent regenerated cellulose fiber, Symphony of yarn polyamide 6-fiber, non-dyed recycled polyester fiber, polyamide 6 monofilament, multicolored polyester fiber, polychromatic polyimide fiber, polyetheretherketone fiber, and polyester industrial filament for water treatment.

These selected and shortlisted fiber varieties represent the latest product development trends and level of a batch of chemical fiber enterprises in our country and deeply interpret the overall product research and development strength of China's chemical fiber industry and embody the overall competitiveness and innovation of Chinese fiber brands.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the grand main announcement, there are 10 other enterprises under the guidance of China Chemical Fiber Industry Association, launched their own product release show, including Baoding Swan, Tangshan Sanyou Group Xingda Chemical Fiber, Zhejiang Green-green, Changle Hengshen fiber and so on.

These enterprises are representatives of their respective fields and have strong capabilities in product development, branding and overall innovation. Through the conference, Hengtian Fiber Group demonstrated the unique style of Lyocell fiber "Yuan Si" with its own proprietary intellectual property rights. Tangshan Sanyou demonstrated its charm independently developed by Zhundul Fiber and Hengshen Synthetic Fiber demonstrated its richness Colorful nylon products.

Analysis of hot words: combing Sheng Hong China Fiber Trends Release activities 6 years of history can be found, the initial release of the form is only a major release show, launch ideas and models are basically dominated by the China Chemical Fiber Industry Association, in focus Show the best in the industry, the highest degree of differentiation of products, but also introduced a number of outstanding chemical fiber brand. However, due to the annual conference has a theme, making some good products outside the theme can not be displayed. Based on this, the 2017 conference will be the previous single release into a series of releases, "thriving" into "a number of", "1" into a "1 + N", companies can in this Enjoy the stage show their own style. Obviously, the continuous launching of fiber fashion trends not only lies in marketing and promoting a number of innovative fiber products, but also to some extent, it has played a role in training enterprises and inspired them to use the release form to display products, promote the brand, Work together to promote the development of the industry.


Annual hot words: expansion

Continue to strengthen the scale advantage

This year is the largest number of Tong Kun Group construction projects, the largest total investment of the year. March 27, Tong Kun shares announcement, at the same time launched a total investment of 3.508 billion yuan in the construction of two differential fiber projects. Among them, Zhejiang Heng Teng Differentiated Fiber Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 600,000 tons of functional differential fiber projects a total investment of 2.52 billion yuan, the leading products for ultra-fine denier, ultra-Imitative cotton, anti-UV, anti-static and other differential fiber. Jiaxing Petrochemical Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 300,000 tons differential POY project a total investment of 988 million yuan, the leading products include fine velvet, Fluffy velvet anti-static, Matt cotton velvet, coral and other differentiated POY product line is high An important raw material for textiles.

April 19, Tongkun Group with an annual output of 200,000 tons of high-performance full-differential fiber project (ie, the state-phase three) started construction in the town of Zhouquan, Tongxiang, Zhejiang. With a total investment of 900 million yuan and an area of ​​68,000 square meters, the project uses a domestic differentiated polyester process technology to build a new "three-tail" polyester plant with 12 internationally advanced spinning and winding production lines , And supporting automatic packaging, smart storage and other facilities. Upon completion of the project, it will become the first integrated polyester and spinning design device in the world and the first full-process automation factory in China, which is expected to be put into operation in March 2018.

In addition to the constant state three, this started there Hengrui two projects. With a total investment of 1.33 billion yuan and an area of ​​148,000 square meters, the project has introduced 142 sets of advanced TMT high-speed a state-of-the-art multi-tasking machines equipped with automatic drop systems and automatic packaging lines. The main products are high-F (50D ~ 300D ) And ultra-fine denier DTY differential fiber products will be mainly for warp knitting, circular knitting machines, water jet looms and other high-end market, DTY project is a boutique project.

Fujian Baihong Group also increased the pace of expansion this year. On April 12, Baihong Industrial Co., Ltd. announced an expansion plan of about 222 million U.S. dollars. It is estimated that it will add about 220,000 tons of new energy annually.

On September 18, Baihong Differentiated Chemical Fiber Project 5 officially settled in Longhu Town, Quanzhou, Fujian Province. Baihong Poly Fiber Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. will invest an annual output of 330,000 tons of differentiated polyester fiber production projects with a total investment of 2.5 billion. The project will introduce a set of polymerization equipment, 20 spinning production lines, 200 plus Bunker, is expected to be fully operational in June 2018.

In addition, the days of St. Chemical Fiber, Jilin Chemical Fiber and Hengyi Group also expansion operations. In July, the project of 500,000 DWT Differentiated Fiber Project of Tiansheng Chemical Fiber Phase II under Tiansheng Holding Group was put into operation, forming an annual capacity of 900,000 tons of differentiated fiber. It is estimated that the annual sales revenue will reach 8 billion yuan.

October 8, Jilin Chemical Fiber with an annual output of 30,000 tons of highly modified composite tough wire feed test a successful project. This is currently the world's largest single-line capacity to bamboo and cotton as raw material cellulose fiber production line with a total investment of 1.2 billion yuan, the project put into operation not only to fill gaps in viscose staple business, but also the company's viscose fiber The business expanded further to enable the company to achieve full coverage of filament and staple fibers in the area of ​​viscose fibers.

On November 13, Hengyi Group and Shandong Dongying Municipal People's Government signed the "Framework Agreement for Strategic Cooperation in Captopromyl-Polyamide Project of Dongyi Dongying". According to the framework agreement, Hengyi Group will invest in Dongying Port Economic Development Zone to build a high-quality caprolactam-polyamide project with an annual production capacity of 1.2 million tons in the next few years to build a large-scale intelligent and ecological petrochemical and chemical fiber industrial park .

Analysis of hot words: The current chemical fiber industry as a whole industrial upgrading process continues to accelerate, all enterprises through industrial expansion, product differentiation, intelligent manufacturing, extending the industrial chain, and so have further improved in improving the overall profitability of enterprises and industry status At the same time, it also further optimized the industry's supply and demand and product variety structure. It is worth mentioning that in these expansion projects, differentiation and intelligent manufacturing as key words, almost all enterprises in product positioning, equipment level, cost operation, energy consumption, safety and environmental protection facilities and so on are all considered, and Strive to achieve both domestic and international advanced level, to further enhance the brand in a section of the overall competitiveness.


Annual hot words: mergers

Steadily improve market competitiveness

This year, the wave of acquisitions is particularly evident in the field of polyester. In this trend, Hengyi Group made a head start and made 3 acquisitions a year: In early March, Hengyi Group and Zhejiang Bank Capital jointly sponsored the establishment of Industrial mergers and acquisitions fund, with 600 million yuan photographed once Redskins chemical fiber giant sword under the land, plant and equipment; March 29, Hengyi Group to 722 million yuan photographed Zhejiang Dragon Technology Development Co., Ltd. under the land, plant And equipment; July 9, Hengyi Group to 771 million yuan auction under the Jiangsu Minghui Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. under the land, plant and equipment.

It is worth mentioning that the acquisition of these projects in the hands of Hengyi Group has been quickly restart: Among them, Jiaxing Yipeng Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. (former Dragon) 200,000 tons of polyester plant on May 11 restart, all supporting FDY spinning Production line, from the registration to put into operation only 72 days; Jiaxing Yifu Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. (formerly the red sword) 200,000 tons polyester plant restarted on May 18; September 16, Taifu Yifeng Chemical Fiber Project ) Restart, just 68 days from the acquisition to the successful drive.

This year there are acquisitions of companies also include Xinfeng Ming, triple Hongpu and Taihe new material. September 5, in order to further strengthen the company's field of chemical fiber to open up, Xinfeng Ming announced that the company intends to acquire holding subsidiary Tongxiang Zhongchi Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongchi Chemical Fiber") Juli Kerry Industrial Investment BVI) Co., Ltd. held a 25% stake in Zhongchi Chemical Fiber, after the completion of the transaction, Xinfeng Ming will hold 100% stake in Zhongchi Chemical Fiber.

Sanlian Hongpu on November 10 announcement that the company and its two wholly-owned subsidiary triple materials and Bhler Holding AG signed a "share purchase agreement." Pursuant to the agreement, Triple Materials, as the direct purchaser of the Transaction, purchased the 80% equity interest in Polymetrix Holding AG from Bhler Holding AG by cash.

In the field of spandex, December 7, Taihe New Material Co., Ltd. announced that it plans to set up a controlling subsidiary in Ningxia to acquire the operating assets and related debts related to spandex business of Ningxia Yuehua New Material Co., Ltd. At present, both parties have signed the " Purchase Asset Framework Agreement. " Taihe New Material Co., Ltd. said that due to tougher environmental policies, many small and medium-sized spandex producers are facing "shutting down and turning around", and the future competition in the industry is expected to change significantly

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