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Textile and garment professional market into a new era

After 40 years of development, China's textile and apparel professional market has effectively fulfilled the consumption demand under the traditional dualistic economic structure in China and played an irreplaceable role in "boosting a group of markets, promoting employment, enriching one side of the economy and strengthening one economy" The role of the development of China's textile and clothing power, building an indispensable part of textile and clothing power. At present, the development of China's textile and apparel professional market is undergoing profound and complicated changes. It is necessary to objectively analyze the contradictions and challenges confronting the new era and to consider and plan the transformation and upgrading from the new historical position and the new era's coordinates.

To this end, the circulation branch of China Textile Industry Federation to "Innovate the mode of circulation of textile and clothing, improve the efficiency of textile and garment circulation" for the purpose of "China's textile and apparel market development White Paper" as the guide, launched the "transformation and upgrading of the market line" series of reports, The paper systematically expounds the new situation, new orientation and new development direction of China's textile and apparel market, summarizes and explores the exploration experience of outstanding professional markets in China, and jointly promotes the innovation and development of the circulation, upgrading and transformation of China's textile and apparel industry and contributes to the building of a textile and clothing powerhouse.

The formation and development of the textile and apparel market in China are closely related to the process of China's reform and opening up, industrialization and urbanization. They have undergone four stages of initial formation, gradual development, comprehensive construction and rapid expansion. Facing the global financial crisis and informationization The revolution, the new normal and the transformation of major social conflicts have led the professional market to make continuous progress and are currently entering the stage of transformation and upgrading, opening up a new era and embarking on a new journey. Man Guan Man Road really iron, and now the more step from scratch. The textile and apparel professional market will actively respond to the new situation and new changes with a new outlook, and practice a new historical mission in the intense and complicated changes.


New Changes and Development of New Contradictions in Textile and Apparel Market

"Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and this is a new historical position for our country's development. The major contradictions in our society have been transformed into the contradiction between the growing needs of a better life and unbalanced development." The party's 19 This major thesis made by the Grand National clearly pointed out the time coordinates of the party and state undertakings. Textile and garment professional market into a new era, but also China's textile and apparel industry, a new milestone. What is a new era? We can understand it from the following three aspects: a new historical starting point, a new contradiction and a new goal of development.

New starting point of history. China's textile and clothing market in the five phases of the process of change, and gradually change the early low-cost and high-speed expansion of the extensive mode of growth, is to intensive development, management and service professional, operational decision-making intelligent, brand building platform , The greening of ecological civilization and the internationalization of cooperation and exchange. The transformation from purely scale expansion to intensive farming is transforming from real estate operators to integrated service providers, from property management to self-owned chain transformation, from single distribution channels to industries The transformation of the public service platform transformed from traditional exchange venues to scene-based consumer experience venues and reached a new historical starting point.

New changes in contradictions. The major contradictions in society have set new and clear directions for the transformation and upgrading of textile and clothing markets. They constantly break the imbalances and inadequacies in the development of specialized markets and fully meet the "good life needs" of the broad masses of people. The good life of the people needs to be reflected in the textile and apparel professional market. It is a safer and more comfortable venue environment, a more stable and high-quality product supply, a more fashionable and fashionable style design, a more convenient and smarter technology application and more Quality and more humane service experience. The imbalances and inadequacies in the development of textile and apparel circulation industry show the characteristics of multi-level, multi-faceted and diversified. The main manifestations are as follows: the unbalanced development level of regional structure, especially the place of production and distribution center, is insufficient; and the coordinated development of specialized markets and industrial clusters Imbalances are not enough; quality goods and public brand building ability imbalances are not sufficient; professional market operators focus on the uneven development of the imbalance; professional management and precision services to improve the imbalance is not enough; online and offline integration And inadequate unbalanced application of modal innovation; inadequate imbalances in the coordinated development of integrated business operations and commercial service industries; inadequate imbalances in green development and credit system construction; and inadequate imbalances in the combination of domestic and foreign trade in market purchases.

Develop new goals. The unbalanced and inadequate development of the textile and garment circulation industry itself is a new space and new direction for future development. Professional markets for textile and garment should focus on outstanding problems, break the major contradictions and take the supply-side structural reform as the main line, improve the adaptability of supply structure to the demand structure, improve the supply structure, improve the supply quality, upgrade specialized management services and build the public brand , Integration of business models, abandon the homogenization of competition as an important starting point to promote the textile and apparel market transformation and upgrading of innovative development; with the textile and garment industry to work together to establish an innovation-driven science and technology industry, culture-led fashion industry, responsibility-oriented Green industry's new positioning, technological innovation, integration of the two, social responsibility, industrial clusters, cultural self-confidence as the starting point to promote the quality of the industry change, efficiency change and dynamic change.

Textile and apparel market is facing a new situation



A new round of technological revolution and industrial change have formed a historic intersection, and the situation of China's textile and clothing market has undergone profound changes. With regard to the macroeconomic environment, the constraints on resources and the environment have been continuously strengthened. The cost of labor and other factors of production has been on the rise and the extensive mode of development has been unsustainable. In terms of the industrial environment, the serious overcapacity and the traditional wholesale, distribution and distribution functions and market competitive advantages are gradually weakening In terms of traffic environment, with the rapid transit network construction in our country, traffic has been greatly reduced in scale, and the professional markets in various regions have faced the dilemma of reducing the radiation radius to varying degrees. In the urban environment, the traditional business model of the textile and apparel market has brought Of the traffic flow, passenger flow, warehousing logistics, fire hazards and other functions become the central city layout and change bear the brunt of the planning and adjustment goals. The new consumption environment, technological environment and business environment bring a more direct test to the textile and garment professional market.

New consumer environment

In 2017, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in China still achieved double-digit growth under the huge volume, showing the huge purchasing power of our consumers. In the new phase of consumer-driven production, whoever can master the consumer can take the initiative in business competition. The company is located in:

First, the traditional consumption upgrade. At present, the national consumption is still in a state of co-existence in different stages. There are many forms such as living consumption, living consumption, quality consumption and higher-level experiential consumption. According to the dimensions of age, economic conditions, life background and education level, Target consumers are more accurately portrayal and positioning. Mass consumption, characterized by high quality and high cost performance, has become the mainstream. Consumers have been continuously increasing their demands on product quality and service. There are diversified purchasing channels, scene shifting, fragmentation of time, socialization of behavior, spread of word of mouth, experience and entertainment , Rapid decision-making and other new trends, convenient payment, physical technology based on the physical experience of shopping experience diminished.

Second, emerging consumer trends. With the generation after 80s and 90s, the new generation advocating individuality has gradually become the main force of consumption. Coupled with the popularization and application of Internet technology, the long tail consumption, social consumption and personalized consumption have also been rapidly developed. The information Consumption, tourism consumption, rural consumption and other emerging consumer rapid growth, online retail, mobile payment there is a huge space. According to the data from National Bureau of Statistics of China, from January to November 2017, the online retail sales nationwide reached 6,430.65 billion yuan, up 32.4% over the same period of last year. With the continuous improvement of information infrastructure, the future of information consumption still has ample room.

New technology environment

At present, the core change of resource elements is the deepening application of information technology elements. New technologies make consumption-driven production, data-driven marketing, personalized production and large-scale customization possible. The new generation of information technology and textile and garment manufacturing, the deep integration of the circulation industry is triggering profound industrial changes.

The new generation of information technology represented by big data, internet of things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, mobile internet, internet of things and virtual reality technology has been widely used in the commercial field and has derived various business models to promote the terminal consumption habits as well as people's The lifestyle has changed significantly. The company is located in:

A new generation of information technology has infiltrated all links in the textile value chain such as design, R & D, production, distribution, marketing, terminal and service to form a new production mode, industrial form, business model and economic growth point. Intelligent Manufacturing, Smart Factories and Other Intelligent Manufacturing are Rebuilding the Industrial Value Chain System by Leading Manufacturing Transformations, Collaborative Design, Mass Customization, Crowdsourcing, Precision Marketing, Smart Store, Rapid Response Supply Chain and Lifecycle Management . The textile and apparel professional market urgently needs to actively adapt to new changes. Attempts to rebuild the information process at multiple levels such as hardware, management and service, and to rebuild the core advantages of high efficiency in the circulation of professional markets. The company is located in:

New business environment

The information technology revolution has brought about the ever-changing business model innovation. The barrier between various business formats has become increasingly blurred. The traditional commercial and textile and clothing professional market not only faces the homogenization competition within the industry, but also faces the challenges from other formats Impact. Competitive cooperation, integration and development should be due.

In recent years, the business model based on the Internet has emerged in an endless stream. The competitive environment for physical businesses and the means of competition have become increasingly complicated and rapidly changing. Traditional department stores gradually transformed from "channel operators" to "channel manufacturers", transformed from "rental and sales associates" to "self-support and self-employed", diversified the leading enterprises, brand merchants and channel resources in specialized markets, presenting a tendency of becoming more specialized. Professional market shift from wholesale to wholesale and retail business model changes, to the traditional department store retail format has brought some impact; brand outlets, brand integration shop, designer brand stores, professional buy shop, joint venture factory shop The cooperation between the fashion mainstream format and the professional market continues to deepen. The online channel extends down the line, building a complete business ecosystem through the integration and complementarity of online and offline resources. Enhance catering, children's entertainment package, upgrade shopping experience, create community business has become a new common focus.

With the intensification of the competition among commercial formats, the compression and reduction of circulation levels and the flattening of channels have become the inevitable choice to enhance the circulation efficiency. The layer-by-layer agency model with the total generation and the provincial generation as the main form has undergone profound changes. Dealers and agents Business, franchisees and other professional market service providers are facing the transformation of the functions and roles. Professional market is bound to fit the new business trends, precise positioning, and promote open sharing and cross-border integration, continuous innovation of business operations thinking.


Three key words written professional market new positioning

The textile and clothing industry in the new era is an innovation-driven science and technology industry, a fashion-led culture industry and a responsibility-oriented green industry. It plays an important role in beautifying the people's life, building an ecological civilization and enhancing cultural confidence. The new era of the professional market, through professional management and professional services to professional buyers to provide professional goods professional place, it will through the new functions and positioning, carrying the new mission of the textile and garment industry.

Keywords 1: small and medium micro-enterprises

SME development needs professional market support. The prominent feature of China's textile and apparel market is that it has very close interest and emotional dependence on the small and medium-sized enterprises in the textile and apparel industry cluster. For a long period of time, the professional market is the most important and even the only circulation for small and medium-sized enterprises Platform and value realization platform. With the development of 40 years, the specialized market of textile and apparel for these small and medium-sized micro-enterprises to provide circulation channels, trading platform, brand incubator, and a steady stream of small and medium micro-enterprises to enter and grow, but also promote the professional market's own prosperity and development.

In recent years, the external environment such as the rise of e-commerce, the escalation of consumption, the melee of formats and the urban transformation have changed dramatically. The main operating entities of the textile and garment industry cluster are still dominated by small and medium-sized micro-enterprises and family workshops. These small and medium-sized micro-enterprises and home workshops are weak in R & D and design, supply chain management and channel circulation, and urgently need a strong and powerful public service platform to support their upgrading and development.

Keyword 2: traffic entrance

The vitality of the professional market needs to be released. Professional market is to achieve passenger flow, goods flow, logistics, capital flow, flow of information gathered an important place, one end connected with a wealth of industrial resources, especially small and medium-sized micro-enterprise resources, one connected to the most active market, the majority of buyers, distributors and consumers Who is online and offline market huge traffic entrance. In this new era of "traffic is king", the professional market undoubtedly possesses great potential for eruption. It not only has the need of building an industrial supply chain platform for serving SMEs but also has a unique advantage of building a resource integration platform. However, due to technical limitations, resources and flows in the professional market have merely been simply "summed up" without realizing deep integration and opening up and synergizing resources of all parties. There is an urgent need to release the due commercial competitiveness and platform competitiveness. Huge room for improvement.

Keyword 3: Efficiency + Experience

Professional market positioning needs to be upgraded. Consumers become the core of the decision to the entire production and sales process, the real business and online service providers are closely around "efficiency" and "experience" to provide consumers with better service.

The commercial keyword of 2017, "New Retail," proposes to upgrade and upgrade the production, distribution and sale of goods, to integrate online, offline and logistics deeply, to buy richer and more affordable products at a cheaper price Goods, in essence, are emphasizing efficiency and experience.

From the current stage of view, online and offline in the efficiency and experience of the board with the length. Online consumption satisfies consumers' fragmented, personalized and transparent consumer demand, and provides services such as mobile shopping, mobile payment and discount information push, etc., which are slightly more efficient but have unavoidable "experience" insufficiency; on the other hand, Entity business can make up for lack of online consumption at the level of experience, and win the favor of consumers by creating a good shopping environment and providing services in place. However, in recent years, the homogenization of competition is serious. Consumers' Experience gradually lost its freshness.

To the textile and apparel professional market as the representative of the real business, there is a certain uniqueness. In terms of efficiency, it has more advantages than other traditional business formats. The professional market is not only a platform for exhibitors and traders, but also a key link in the upstream and downstream industries such as manufacturing enterprises and terminal retailers. It is also a means of quickly obtaining consumer information Into effective information feedback to the design of the production chain of high-speed hub; However, due to the accumulation of long-term wholesale formats, shopping experience in the professional market is slightly less than the lack of experience, need to be improved.

Different formats have their own advantages. In the new round of transformation and upgrading, who can take a deep integration of various business models, complement each other's strengths and maximize the "two advantages" of "efficiency" and "experience", who can grasp the new commercial initiative. The professional market should consolidate and strengthen its own advantages in terms of efficiency. At the same time, it should take advantage of the huge advantages of physical forms, emphasize experiential services, create experiential shopping space and establish new competitive advantages in the new round of competition.

Overall, the professional market

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