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What are the government work reports that textiles are all concerned about?

Talk about reform and opening up

    We will deepen reforms in the basic areas of key areas. Taking the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up as an important opportunity to promote new breakthroughs in reforms and continuously emancipate and develop social productivity. Promote the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises. Support the development of private enterprises.

    Talk about the three major battles

    Resolutely fight the three major challenges. It is necessary to focus on fulfilling the task of accomplishing annual tasks, clarify the responsibilities of all parties, strengthen policy protection, and do a good job in all tasks.

    We have made significant progress in promoting the prevention and resolution of major risks. This year, local special bonds will be allocated 1.35 trillion yuan, an increase of 550 billion yuan over the previous year, giving priority to supporting the smooth construction of projects under construction and rationally expanding the use of special bonds.

    Increase precision efforts to eliminate poverty. We will further promote industry, education, health, and ecological poverty alleviation, and make up for shortcomings in infrastructure and public services to stimulate the endogenous driving force for poverty alleviation.

    Advance pollution prevention and control to achieve greater results. To consolidate the achievements of the Blue Sky Battle, this year, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions will drop by 3%, and the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in key areas will continue to decline.

    Talk about consumer investment

    Actively expand consumption and promote effective investment. In response to the new changes in the needs of residents, we will expand consumption, focus on structural adjustments to increase investment, and form a virtuous cycle of optimizing supply structure and appropriately expanding total demand.

    Strengthen the basic role of consumption in economic development. Promote consumption upgrades and develop new models for new consumerism. Promote online shopping and express delivery. All kinds of violations of consumer rights and behaviors must be punished according to law and never be tolerated.

    Exerting the key role of investment in optimizing the supply structure.

    Talk about international cooperation

    Promote the "Belt and Road" international cooperation. Adhere to the principle of common development and sharing, and implement the results of the Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum. Expand international production capacity cooperation and drive Chinese manufacturing and Chinese services to go global. Optimize the structure of foreign investment. We will increase the opening of the western, inland and border areas and expand new space for economic cooperation.

    Talking about sustainable development

    Adhere to the harmonious development of man and nature, and strive to control environmental pollution. Establishing green mountains and green mountains is the concept of the Jinshan Yinshan Mountain, with unprecedented determination and efforts to strengthen ecological and environmental protection. Promote energy conservation and emission reduction in key industries, optimize energy structure, and increase the proportion of clean energy consumption by 6.3 percentage points.

    Talking about Manufacturing Power

    Accelerate the construction of a powerful country. Promote the development of integrated circuits, fifth-generation mobile communications, aircraft engines, new energy vehicles, new materials, and other industries, implement major short board equipment special projects, develop industrial Internet platforms, and create China-manufactured 2025 demonstration areas. Substantially reduce industrial production licenses and strengthen product quality supervision. We will carry out quality improvement actions in an all-round manner, advance the benchmarking with the international advanced standards, promote the spirit of craftsmen, and come to a quality revolution made in China.

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