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Do you understand the history and market prospects of polypropylene filaments?

In the chemical fiber materials commonly used in people's lives, polypropylene has become one of the world's four major fibers after a long period of development due to its simple production process and easy access to raw materials.

Polypropylene filament fiber began its development in China in the 1980s, and after the successful development of high-melt-index polypropylene resin in the 1980s, it has gradually been able to Keep pace. Polypropylene filaments have been widely used for less than 30 years from research and development.

The relative density of polypropylene filament yarn is 0.91g/m, which is 40% lighter than cotton and 34% lighter than polyester. It is the smallest known fiber and the only fiber that can float on water. Because the thermal conductivity of polypropylene itself is very low, it is possible to maintain the maximum temperature, resulting in a warm series of fabrics made of polypropylene. Polypropylene will exceed polyester in the 21st century to become the world's second-fibre fiber. Among them, the development speed of polypropylene fine denier filaments is the most impressive.

At present, polypropylene silk fabrics have been increasingly favored by people, especially in recent years due to the gradual reduction of world cotton production, the price of cotton fabrics has also increased, and because polypropylene is the most other than cotton, linen, silk and other fabrics. The close-fitting fiber, its breathability, light weight, warmth, unidirectional wetness, deodorizing and antibacterial properties, the polypropylene silk fabrics are not unreasonable.

Polypropylene filament raw material - polypropylene, but also due to the development of China's industrialization, along with mining processing capacity has also greatly improved. At present, the annual production and processing of polypropylene in China has exceeded 100 tons, accounting for only 1/10 of all chemical fiber proportions, while polypropylene mining in the United States accounts for 34% of the proportion, and most of them are in the West at 27%. It seems that the prospects of China's polypropylene market is very open, there is a lot of room for development.

The price of polypropylene filaments in the world has already reached 20,000 US dollars/ton. Because of the excellent properties of polypropylene filaments, it has become a hot spot in the world. A complete set of working lines for the development, production and production of polypropylene filaments has been formed in foreign countries. Although the overall level in China is low and the production line is not complete, it is believed that the future of the polypropylene market in China will continue to flourish.

From a variety of perspectives, it can be said that the development prospect of polypropylene filaments is still very large.

Changzhou Guoxing Special Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. is a large-scale enterprise with environmentally-friendly textile fibers as its core product. It is a polypropylene (polypropylene PP) ultra-fine fiber manufacturer with relatively large capacity, new technology and superior quality.

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