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US cotton export performance hits four months, but trade friction worries still exist

According to the export sales report released by the US Department of Agriculture, the US cotton export sales for the week ending August 8 was 480,300 bales, the highest in four months. Among them, the net sales of upland cotton exports in the 2019-20 year was 329,100 bales, and the net sales of upland cotton exports in 2020-21 were 151,200 bales.

US export sales data is strong, mainly due to increased demand in Bangladesh and Vietnam. Thanks to this positive boost, overnight ICE cotton hit a two-week high. However, Sino-US trade friction has been dragged on for a long time, and cotton has fallen by about 19% so far this year.

Note: The USDA export sales report usually publishes sales and export shipment data of US cotton and other crops as of last Thursday, and the accumulated data can reflect the export status of US agricultural products. The report data includes net sales and new sales data for the current market year and the next marketing year. The US cotton sales year begins on August 1.

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